Saturday, June 6, 2009


I was at the pyramids; I was at the pyramids!! I got to go IN the medium-sized one. Sarcophagus, anyone? Long, small tunnel, anyone? BEAUTIFUL!

I had the hardest time figuring out what pictures to show you. You know what the actual pyramids look I guess here's a video of my absurd reaction to said pyramids.

Two of the students got separated from the group; we waited for them for a long time. National security was alerted, etc. It was not good. Luckily, they made their way back to Zamalek (the inner-city dorms) and we found out eventually that they were safe. And we did continue on to the Sphinx without them - which was good, otherwise they probably would have been tarred and feathered. We're now going to be read the riot act during orientation though - probably like twelve times.

The sellers at the pyramids were incredibly pushy. One tried to physically take my camera away from me to take a picture - heaven only knows how much baqsheesh (tip) he would have required to get the thing back. People were lifted up onto camels without their permission, and then required to tip in order to get off. One of the guys just jumped...

It was an incredible day, though. And I still have horseback and camel riding to look forward to tonight!


  1. Just hang in there, Sweetie. SOMETHING will surely prove interesting during the trip!


  2. Your reaction was not at all absurd. It was, frankly, the same reaction I had when I saw your pictures. HOOOOOORAAAAAY!!!!! :-) :-) :-)


  3. Hi, Becca. A new/old voice heard from. I was a friend of your grandfather, Ken, and I know he would be so happy for you and PROUD! Baqsheesh, by the way, is not really a "tip" it is a "payoff" or bribe. I lived in the Middle East for 10 years and saw lots and lots of "Baqsheesh" pass between hands.

    Have a wonderful time...hey, that's what you're doing. Great.
