Sunday, June 14, 2009

Clothing in Arabic!

I'm currently being entertained with my learning the articles of clothing in Arabic. Almost all of them are cognates of the English words, transliterated into Arabic, and then said with the most Arabic-sounding vowel and consonants possible. It's really quite amusing.
There isn't a "p" sound in pants=pantaloons, but actually sounds like "buntaloooon," and the plural is "buntalooonet."
A sweater is a pullover..."bull-oh-fer," plural "bull-oh-fraat."
Rather than underwear, the Arabic equivalent translates literally as "internal clothing."
(Yes, this really is how I spend my weekends...what can I say...)


  1. lol. I'm thinking I would freak out in Alexandria, but not so much with the clothing words. lol. You are insane, as ever... The old palace and stuff is not still there in Alexandria, is it? Oh, and apparently I have a blog log in for this page... go figure. lol. I love you!

  2. The old stuff is not there, no. But in the Library's museum, there were a few restored mosaics from the original library/palace complex. That was frikkin' sweet to see...
