Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Class, Day 2

Today was much less exhausting than yesterday. I don't know if I'm simply more comfortable or it was the fact that I ran this morning (I skipped yesterday, which is almost always not a good idea...).
The Obama oral presentation went over very well. Translation, my other elective, is going to take a fair bit of work. I may end up dropping it...I don't need the credit (it's only one), and it may take more time than it's worth. I think I have until the end of this week to decide.


  1. Glad to hear that it is going to be bearable even with the cramped timing.
    Where are you running?

  2. Around campus - perfectly safe, as we're gated off in the middle of the desert. It's a great temperature when I get up, actually. Wonderful running conditions, with just enough elevation around campus to make things fun without being deadly.

  3. I just love your ability to answer the questions that I don't even ask. I ask where and you tell me what I want to know- that you are being careful and choosing a safe place. thank you.


  4. I do what I can for you, Granna. : )
