Monday, June 8, 2009


I am currently enrolled in a class that will take me through the end of Al-Kitaab 1. This is not a full year's worth, though I will earn eight MSU credits for it. I have a few options:
1. Study some of Al-Kitaab 2 on my own and pull some strings at MSU to get the credits to transfer simply as 201 and 202.
2. In this extra week with no classes, finish Al-Kitaab 1 on my own and switch up a class.
At this point, I'm not sure which I'll go for. It probably makes more sense to get through the book this week and move up. In that case, I think I'd be studying some Egyptian colloquial as well.

Elective-wise, I am taking Translation and the Qur'an (!!). I will receive MSU credit for these, so I'm very excited. The Qur'an stuff will look great for religious studies; I'm hoping to be able to transfer them as specific courses (titled that appear on my transcript) rather than just general Arabic credits.

Extra-curriculars will be Typing and Calligraphy - just for fun! Hopefully calligraphy will improve my handwriting; typing will be good and will give me more exposure to academic Arabic.


  1. Studying Egyptian colloquial sounds awesome! Obviously you are enjoying yourself, which makes me happy and jealous : )


  2. The Egyptian colloquial would be really cool...unfortunately, I need 6 credits of Modern Standard to transfer over to Michigan State. I'm getting my colloquial out on the street, and that's a lot of fun.
