Tuesday, July 21, 2009

And we're (almost) done

I have a brief Media take-home exam to do, but nothing too complicated. Other than that, I'm done.
Exams were okay. They were quite simple, but, as usual, it seemed that they mostly covered the 5% of the vocabulary that I hadn't memorized absolutely. But I feel like I've learned a LOT this summer and have had a lot of fun with it.
I wrote an eight hundred-word essay about the Uyghurs in China for extra credit. That essay was the best assignment I've had so far where my learning is concerned, because I blended my Media Class with my grammar and vocab classes. All in all, it's been an insane, stressful, overwhelming, fun, crazy, knowledge-packed semester of classes. And now it's done. I'm going to be going through withdrawal so badly in a few days...I'm already starting to feel it, sick as that is...

1 comment:

  1. The 800 words were in Arabic? Good Grief! I am truly impressed.

    What are your plans for the next week or so? Do you still have the offer of a bed at your friend's house? Not to mention the friend with whom to travel about.

